Host a Gladiators Tournament (optional)
A impromptu Gladiators tournament is a great way to introduce Gladiators to your friends, even if you are learning the game at the same time. It is very easy and lots of fun.
Gladiators Tournaments
After you and your friends have been ‘gladiating’ for a while, you can add another layer of fun to the game by having an impromptu (or planned) gladiators tournament. It is also a good way to jump-start the careers of several new gladiators.
Impromptu Tournaments with 2 or More Players
Here are some suggestions about how to have an impromptu gladiators tournament with your friends.
Each player in the tournament starts with 1, 2, or even 3 (new or equally experienced) gladiators.
The tournament should be double or triple elimination, or more.. So, each gladiator will stay in the tournament until he loses two or three battles.
You don’t need to make a special chart or grid for the tournament, just seek out fair match-ups for your gladiators. The winners fight the winners, the losers fight the losers. You’ll see it just works itself out without getting fancy.
Gladiators Tournaments with Many Players
Even with a lot of players, you can still have a tournament without a lot of work.
Each player can create one gladiator, or each player can create two gladiators. If some of the players are learning the game, let them fight 3 or 4 battles with one gladiator, before they create their second gladiator.
The players can find their own match-ups for each fight, and almost always be able to find an opponent with the exact same or nearly same win/loss record.
After each battle, the two players should check in with the tournament director, who will record the results.
Each gladiator will stay in the tournament until he or she has 5 losses. This will lead to a natural climax at the end, as it gets down to the final two gladiators battling it out, possible more than once. If each player created two gladiators, you better go with 3 or 4 losses eliminaiton (for time reasons)
Once the players get into the groove (after the first hour), you can expect each player to fight about 5 battles per hour. The champion gladiator who wins the tournament, will probably fight about 20 fights, ending with a record of 15 Wins 3 Losses. So you are be in the 4 hour zone. However, most of the player would get knocked out between hours 2 and 3. They would probably be gladiating on the side, then watching the finale.