Fighting Classes and Titles

Fighting Classes and Titles

Each gladiator is in competition with other gladiators to become the champion (title holder), in one or more the five gladiators Fighting Classes (weight classes): Villanova, Bronson, Barbarian, Olympus, and Mars.

Fighting Classes

Each gladiator is always only in one fighting class at a time, and this is determined by the total number of fights that gladiator has had. Total Fights = Wins + Losses

Number of Fights

Fighting Class/Title

Luck Bonus for Champions



+1 Luck Dice



+2 Luck Dice



+3 Luck Dice



+4 Luck Dice

41 or More

Mars – God of War

+5 Luck Dice

Fighting Class Champion Titles

Initially the title (champion) for each fighting class is unclaimed. A gladiator must have enough wins to be eligible to fight for the title.

Minimum number of wins to be a contender for a title shot









Mars – God of War


Once 2 gladiators within the appropriate fighting class become eligible for an unclaimed title, they must battle for the title. A gladiator that is eligible for an unclaimed title may not fight any fights, other than a title fight, while the title remains unclaimed, unless his wins are 2 or more less than another eligible gladiator in his fighting class.

If there are more than 2 gladiators who are eligible for an unclaimed title, the two gladiators with the most wins, battle for the title.

Dispute Over 2nd Place

If there is a dispute, as to who should battle, two gladiators may battle to settle the dispute. The winner of this dispute will then advance to the title fight, even if his new total fights places him in the next higher fighting class.

Once a Title is Claimed

When a title has been claimed, the gladiator who owns the title gains the luck bonus awarded with it.

The gladiator with the title may not fight any battles, other than title fights. Title fights must be fought against the most worthy opponent in the fighting class, with the gladiator with the most wins being most eligible.

If the 2nd place gladiator’s wins are less than the title holders wins by 2 or more, he is not required to fight the title holder immediately, unless he chooses to.

However, if his wins are at least within 1 of the title holder, he may not fight any battles, other than a title fight (unless there is a dispute for 2nd place).

Whichever gladiator wins the title fight, becomes the new title holder. The new champion gains the luck bonus, and the old champion loses it.

If the loser’s total fights now moves him up to the next fighting class (weight class), then he has no choice but to move up to the next fighting class. The winner/champion is exempt from this rule, giving him a chance to defend the title.

Retiring with the Title

So long as the title holder continues to win, he retains his title and remains in the same fighting class, even if his total fights is above the limit for the class he is champion of. If the title holder manages to hold on to the title and defend it twice, he will retire from the weight class with the title (if his total fights moves him up).

When a gladiator “retires with a title” (winning 3 title fights), and moves up to the next fighting class and also keeps his title and associated Luck bonus. A new unclaimed title then becomes ‘up for grabs’ in the fighting class.

To be clear:

  • The only time you don’t move up to the next fighting class when your total fights exceeds your fighting class, is when you are the current champion.

  • If you are able to win 3 championship title fights while you are in a fighting class, you ‘retire with the title’ and Luck bonus. If you are a 3 time champion, move up to the next fighting class if your total fights indicates you should.

Example of Gladiator Retiring with a Title

Keep track of titles on the Gladiator Personality Sheet

This gladiator was able to win the Villanova title and become the Villanova champion (that was the first X). Then he managed to defend his title two more times in a row (the second and third Xs). He then was forced to move up to the next Fighting Class (Bronson). Since he was able to check all 3 boxes (requiring 3 title fight wins), this gladiator will keep the +1 Luck Bonus for the rest of his career. He was able to “Retire with the Villanova Title (Belt)”.

It is an extremely rare and awesome feat for a gladiator to retire with a title.

Consecutive Title Fights

There can never be 2 consecutive title fights between the same 2 gladiators. The title holder must first face the next most worthy opponent, following the rules above.

Advancing to the next fighting class

A gladiator advances to the next fighting class whenever his total fights exceeds the limits of his class, with the following 2 exceptions:

The gladiator is the title holder, and has not yet defended it twice.

The gladiator just became the most eligible contender, because he won a battle due to a dispute over 2nd Place.

Have Fun

Tenzing Kernan